Valley of Kansas City
33° Honourmen

David M. Mckinstry, 33°
(Jul 6, 1906 - May 29,1997) born in Hamilton, Scotland
Member, Cecile Daylight Lodge #335, 50-year Member
Past Master, Member, Cecile Daylight Lodge #335
Member, Past Masters Club

1930 - 32° Consistory of Western Missouri, Kansas City
1955 - Knight Commander of the Court of Honour
1971 - Coroneted 33° Inspector General Honorary
Past stage manager, Valley of Kansas City
Past Member, Royal Order of Ducks

Member, Ararat Shrine Temple

Past Patron, Golden Gate Chapter, Order of Eastern Star

Legion of Honor, DeMolay Legion of Honor

Illustrious Brother David McKinstry was born in Hamilton, Scotland, emigrating to the United States with his family when he was 6 months of age. At the age of seventeen he returned to Scotland for a couple of years before returning to the United States where he spent the rest of his life. He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II, spending 24 months in India and Africa. He retired from the WDAF television station.

Illustrious Brother McKinstry was an active Mason. He was a 50-year member and past master of the Cecile Daylight Masonic Lodge #305 in North Kansas City, Missouri. He joined the Scottish Rite in the first class held in the Scottish Rite Temple at 1330 Linwood in 1930. However, he was forced to drop out during the Great Depression until he was reinstated in 1948. He was honored with the Knight Commander of the Court of Honour in 1955 and coroneted with the rank of Inspector General Honorary in 1971. He retired from his position as stage manager where he spent years operating the stage and auditorium lighting for reunions and special events. He was past chairman of the projection committee and a past member of the Royal Order of Ducks and a member of the Raytown Scottish Rite Club. He was a past patron of the Golden Gate Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. He was a member of Ararat Shrine and had received the DeMolay Legion of Honor.

Valley of Kansas City