Valley of Kansas City
33° Honourmen

Leon Thalman, 33°
(Jul 13, 1857-Aug 17, 1926)
1890 - Raised , South Gate #547
1895, 1899 - Master, South Gate #547
Past Treasurer, South Gate #547

Grand Lodge
1912, 1921, 1922 - District Deputy Grand Master

Scottish Rite
1891 - 32° Consistory of Western Missouri, Kansas City
1909 - Knight Commander of the Court of Honour
1913 - Coroneted 33° Inspector General Honorary
1921-22 - Master of Kadosh of the Consistory

Member, Original Grand Council of DeMolay International

Occupation: Salesman
Interred: Mt Moriah Cemetery, Kansas City, MO

Valley of Kansas City