Valley of Kansas City
33° Honourmen

Dr. Ernest Joseph Lutz MD, 33°
(Nov 18, 1865-Feb 6, 1924)
Member, Wyandotte Lodge #3, Kansas City, KS

1898 - 32° Valley of Topeka, Kansas
1901 - Knight Commander of the Court of Honour
1903 - Coroneted 33° Inspector General Honorary
Dual member in Valleys of Kansas City, MO & Kansas City, KS
President of the Building Committee for the Valley of Kansas City, KS
during the construction of their Temple at 7th and Ann, completed in 1909.

Wyandotte Chapter #6, Royal Arch Masons
Ivanhoe Commandery #21, Knights Templar
Caswell Consistory #5

Member, Ararat Shrine Temple

Ernest Lutz, born November 18, 1865 in Germersheim, Rhenish Bavaria, Germany, was a physician employed as an instructor at the Medico Chirurgical College of Kansas City, Kansas. He worked both as a Professor in Bacteriology and Pathology and as an instructor of Internal Medicine at the University of Kansas.

Brother Lutz began the study of medicine in the great and historic Heidelberg University until 1887 when he left Germany and emigrated to America. For two years he was employed as chemist and pharmacist for the Schmeltzer Drug Company, of Kansas City, Kansas. He then went to the city of St. Louis, Missouri where he entered the College of Physicians & Surgeons, graduating as a member of the class of 1891 with the degree of Doctor of Medicine and returned to Kansas City where he began his practice. He also held the position of police surgeon from 1893 to 1894. In 1894, he returned to his native Germany and entered the medical department of Heidelberg University where he took an effective post-graduate course and also attended another medical institution in the city of Berlin. He returned to America in the autumn of 1896 and resumed his medical practice in Kansas City, Kansas. Here he became a valued member of the faculty of the Medico-Chirurgical College where he was dean of the faculty and held the chair of internal medicine, which he retained until the institution was moved to Kansas City, Missouri. After resigning his position with this institution he became professor of internal medicine in the College of Physicians & Surgeons, in Kansas City, an institution that was later merged with others to form the medical department of the University of Kansas. This department was located at Rosedale, a virtual suburb of Kansas City where Dr. Lutz occupied the chair of internal medicine beginning in 1905.

Dr. Lutz held memberships in the Wyandotte County Medical Society, the Kansas State Medical Society, the Southwestern Medical Association, the American Medical Association and served as president of the Wyandotte County Medical Society.

Illustrious Brother Lutz (#767) was a member of Wyandotte Lodge #3, Kansas City, Kansas. He became a 32° Mason at the Valley of Topeka, Kansas in 1898. He affiliated with the Valley of Kansas City, Missouri in 1902. He was coroneted a 33° in Topeka, Kansas in 1903. He was also a member of the Valley in Kansas City, Kansas and was president of the building committee during the construction of their new temple at 7th and Ann in Kansas City, Kansas in 1909. Brother Lutz passed away in Kansas City, Kansas on February 6, 1924.

Valley of Kansas City